Server Mappings


Server Mappings is an open collection of mappings for Minecraft servers. Our mappings contain a wide range of servers from the most popular servers, down to the startup servers. We use these mappings to provide information such as server name, icon, socials, and anything else we determine pertinent information related to a servers branding. We personally use it for Lunar Client, to hydrate server information on our launcher and friends list.

Since the creation of this repository, hundreds of servers have been collected with detailed information for each one of them. Previously, this information was handled internally and servers had no good way to manage this information for their servers.

The Server Mappings documentation will provide you with all the information you'll need to contribute to Server Mappings. Feel free to contribute by adding your own server or by adding information related to servers you enjoy playing.

Useful Links

🔗 Lunar Client Website (opens in a new tab)
🔗 Lunar Client Developer Discord (opens in a new tab)
🔗 Server Mappings GitHub (opens in a new tab)