Entity Module
The entity module allows you to interact with entities client-sided.
- Adds the ability to render rainbow sheep, client side instead of server-sided.
- Adds the ability to flip entities, without doing anything server-sided.
Sample Code
Explore each integration by cycling through each tab, to find the best fit for your requirements and needs.
Override Sheep rainbow state
public void overrideRainbowSheepExample(Player viewer) {
Optional<ApolloPlayer> apolloPlayerOpt = Apollo.getPlayerManager().getPlayer(viewer.getUniqueId());
apolloPlayerOpt.ifPresent(apolloPlayer -> {
// Get all Sheep in the player's world
List<UUID> sheepUuids = viewer.getWorld().getEntitiesByClass(Sheep.class)
this.entityModule.overrideRainbowSheep(apolloPlayer, sheepUuids);
Reset Sheep rainbow state
public void resetRainbowSheepExample(Player viewer) {
Optional<ApolloPlayer> apolloPlayerOpt = Apollo.getPlayerManager().getPlayer(viewer.getUniqueId());
apolloPlayerOpt.ifPresent(apolloPlayer -> {
// Get all Sheep in the player's world
List<ApolloEntity> sheepEntities = viewer.getWorld().getEntitiesByClass(Sheep.class)
.stream().map(sheep -> new ApolloEntity(sheep.getEntityId(), sheep.getUniqueId()))
this.entityModule.resetRainbowSheep(apolloPlayer, sheepEntities);
Override Entity flip state
public void flipEntityExample(Player viewer) {
Optional<ApolloPlayer> apolloPlayerOpt = Apollo.getPlayerManager().getPlayer(viewer.getUniqueId());
apolloPlayerOpt.ifPresent(apolloPlayer -> {
// Get all cows within 10 blocks of the player
List<ApolloEntity> entities = viewer.getWorld()
.getNearbyEntities(viewer.getLocation(), 10, 10, 10)
.stream().filter(entity -> entity instanceof Cow)
.map(cow -> new ApolloEntity(cow.getEntityId(), cow.getUniqueId()))
this.entityModule.flipEntity(apolloPlayer, entities);
Reset Entity flip state
public void resetFlippedEntityExample(Player viewer) {
Optional<ApolloPlayer> apolloPlayerOpt = Apollo.getPlayerManager().getPlayer(viewer.getUniqueId());
apolloPlayerOpt.ifPresent(apolloPlayer -> {
// Get all cows within 10 blocks of the player
List<ApolloEntity> entities = viewer.getWorld()
.getNearbyEntities(viewer.getLocation(), 10, 10, 10)
.stream().filter(entity -> entity instanceof Cow)
.map(cow -> new ApolloEntity(cow.getEntityId(), cow.getUniqueId()))
this.entityModule.resetFlippedEntity(apolloPlayer, entities);
, resetRainbowSheep
, flipEntity
& resetFlippedEntity
Recipients recipients
- A list of all the player(s) you want to be able to see the updated entities.
List<ApolloEntity> entities
- A list of all entities you want to reset the flip or colored sheep state from.