JSON Packet Util
These utilities are designed to handle packet transmission and creation for integrating and configuring Apollo modules with their respective properties. The utility class provides a list of most Apollo modules and their configuration options.
The methods in this utility leverage the same plugin messaging channel as the Apollo API lunar:apollo
To utilize Apollo Modules, first define a list of the modules you want to use:
private static final List<String> APOLLO_MODULES = Arrays.asList("limb", "beam", "border", "chat", "colored_fire", "combat", "cooldown",
"entity", "glow", "hologram", "mod_setting", "nametag", "nick_hider", "notification", "packet_enrichment", "rich_presence",
"server_rule", "staff_mod", "stopwatch", "team", "title", "tnt_countdown", "transfer", "vignette", "waypoint"
Next, specify the properties for these modules. These properties are included in the enable module packet. When using the Apollo plugin, this corresponds to modifying the config.yml
The example below does not encompass all available options and may not be up-to-date. For the latest options, refer to the module documentation (example).
// Module Id -> Option key -> Object
private static final Table<String, String, Object> CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES = HashBasedTable.create();
static {
// Module Options that the client needs to notified about, these properties are sent with the enable module packet
// While using the Apollo plugin this would be equivalent to modifying the config.yml
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("combat", "disable-miss-penalty", false);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "competitive-game", false);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "competitive-commands", Arrays.asList("/server", "/servers", "/hub"));
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "disable-shaders", false);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "disable-chunk-reloading", false);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "disable-broadcasting", false);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "anti-portal-traps", true);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "override-brightness", false);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "brightness", 50);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "override-nametag-render-distance", false);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "nametag-render-distance", 64);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "override-max-chat-length", false);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("server_rule", "max-chat-length", 256);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("tnt_countdown", "tnt-ticks", 80);
CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.put("waypoint", "server-handles-waypoints", false);
Use the following methods to send packets either to a specific player or to all online players:
public static void sendPacket(Player player, JsonObject message) {
player.sendPluginMessage(ApolloExamplePlugin.getPlugin(), "apollo:json", message.toString().getBytes());
public static void broadcastPacket(JsonObject message) {
byte[] data = message.toString().getBytes();
Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().forEach(player ->
player.sendPluginMessage(ApolloExamplePlugin.getPlugin(), "apollo:json", data));
To create a Module packet, which is used for enabling modules (with or without properties) and for dynamically updating Apollo Options for modules such as the Mod Settings Module
and Server Rule Module
, use the following method:
public static JsonObject createEnableModuleObject(@NotNull String module, Map<String, Object> properties) {
JsonObject enableModuleObject = new JsonObject();
enableModuleObject.addProperty("apollo_module", module);
enableModuleObject.addProperty("enable", true);
if (properties != null) {
JsonObject propertiesObject = new JsonObject();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
propertiesObject.add(entry.getKey(), JsonPacketUtil.convertToJsonElement(entry.getValue()));
enableModuleObject.add("properties", propertiesObject);
return enableModuleObject;
private static JsonElement convertToJsonElement(Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return JsonNull.INSTANCE;
} else if (value instanceof String) {
return new JsonPrimitive((String) value);
} else if (value instanceof Number) {
return new JsonPrimitive((Number) value);
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return new JsonPrimitive((Boolean) value);
} else if (value instanceof List) {
JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray();
for (Object item : (List<?>) value) {
return jsonArray;
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to wrap value of type '" + value.getClass().getSimpleName() + "'!");
Enable modules using the methods and fields defined above:
public static void enableModules(Player player) {
JsonArray settings = APOLLO_MODULES.stream()
.map(module -> JsonPacketUtil.createEnableModuleObject(module, CONFIG_MODULE_PROPERTIES.row(module)))
.collect(JsonArray::new, JsonArray::add, JsonArray::addAll);
JsonObject message = new JsonObject();
message.addProperty("@type", "type.googleapis.com/lunarclient.apollo.configurable.v1.OverrideConfigurableSettingsMessage");
message.add("configurable_settings", settings);
JsonPacketUtil.sendPacket(player, message);