Deep Links



This deep link allows you to connect a user directly to a Minecraft server from their web browser. This can be used to create a smoother join process compared to the typical flow, where a user has to "Click to copy IP", potentially switch to the correct Minecraft version, launch Minecraft, and then paste in the server IP.

Query Parameters

  • serverId - The ServerMappings (opens in a new tab) ID of your server.
  • serverAddress - The hostname of your server.
  • serverPort - The port of your server. Defaults to 25565 if not present.
  • forceRecommendedVersion - If the launcher should automatically switch to your recommended version, rather than accepting any supported version. This is suggested if your server is highly optimized for one version of Minecraft. Defaults to false if not present.

Either serverId or serverAddress must be provided. If serverId is provided, the launcher will automatically connect to the IP defined in ServerMappings (opens in a new tab). If serverAddress is provided, the launcher will use serverAddress and serverPort to build an IP to connect to. All normal features, such as SRV records, are supported.

forceRecommendedVersion will only function if the launcher can determine the recommended version for your server. If a serverId was passed in, the launcher will use the recommended version from its ServerMappings (opens in a new tab) entry. If a serverAddress was provided, and the launcher can associate the serverAddress with a ServerMappings (opens in a new tab) entry, it will use the associated recommended version. Otherwise, the option will be ignored.


These are clickable links - click to try it out locally!